
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back 2 School

After a lot of summer planning, we were ready to start a new school year! Yesterday was our Open House. A Big Surprise for the Fifth graders, when they saw me, on the 2nd floor classroom."Teacher Leisha" they exclaimed. Why are you here?  Oh, no!  Really! ...Yeah!!! Yeah!!

It was  a mix of emotions!  On one side, I will miss my little ones (preschool) which I would not have this year; on the other hand, the fifth graders  were my students when they were on second grade.  Their parents were as happy as them. To see their bright eyes and emotions made feel so happy and enthusiastic. What else can I ask for at the beginning of the year? Not much... Thanks to all!

So after some changes made by the school administration, I will be teaching English to kindergarten, second grade and fifth grade. I'll be hopping from one grade to another ( LOL ) Well, after practicing blog hopping during my summer vacations, I think I'm in good shape!

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