
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Green Eggs Xperience!

My school had a special reading activity this week. All the school was submerge in reading. All the students got involved, high school students work together with elementary students to present stories in their native language, Spanish. Guess what?  I said, oh well!  I want to add to that too. During my English classes I prepared special activities. 

The real experience goes like this. I have a new student that was not fully adapted to the English class. He came from another school and did not have the same learning experiences that my second graders. Since I taught them first grade too, they didn't feel that much of a change. Just that they are bigger now and have new books, another classroom, etc. 

Last week, my student came to the class so motivated! He had received a gift from his mother. It was a very funny book, and he wanted to read it in front of the class. When he showed the book to the class, everybody recognized to author!  Of course! It was Dr. Seuss. He had a book of Dr. Seuss, the author of Cat in the Hat, that they all loved it! Immediately, I saw the happiness on his face!... He read the title, Green Eggs and Ham and started to read a few pages.  Since, I knew about the special activity that was coming up, I secretly talked to him about it and we planned to read the whole story on that they. 

I planned some activities related to it, but the funniest part was to see them try the green eggs and ham.
Not only them, but faculty members too. Their faces, their reactions was so funny! We had a great time. 
Thanks to all the volunteer mothers that contributed to the activity, without all of you I wouldn't be possible. 
You can tell by their faces... Did they like green eggs and ham?   Yes or No ! 

I'm not even going to try it!
Yes! Can I have more?
Our Principal and the Spanish teacher who planned the original
activity "Submerged into Reading" in Spanish 

Administrative personnel also loved it! 


Fnd the rhyming pictures, cut and paste and write the words.
Of course I used a green paper as a background

DIY Spooky Banner

Spooky Banner 

I made the Halloween Spooky Banner for my classroom decor. I used foomie and hot glue to make them. First, draw a triangle template to use the same size on all the pieces. Use black, green, and white fooamie to add the details. So, simple and so beautiful! Thanks to Pinterest! another idea grabbed from there!

Boo, Friendly Ghosts!!

My kindergartners made their Halloween Ghosts for our classroom decorations. One group used big paper plates and the other group used small paper plates. They colored the eyes and mouth. Some added more details. Then we use crepe paper streamers and glued them on the back of the plate. I first saw the idea from  Craft -N- Things for children. We didn't add the arms, but you may add them too.
The kids have lots of fun!